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Tree Yoga - for more inner peace

Tree yoga, these are gentle exercises from the Kundalini yoga, a dynamic yoga form that combines movement and breath. They are carried out under a tree. The concept developed by Hamburg Kundalini yoga teacher Satya Singh Wester and his colleague and tree expert Fred Hageneder. Your idea: Each tree has a certain energy, to which very specific yoga exercises fit. For our yoga set the best is the indestructible jaw, a practice which gives energy and makes courage!
This is what you need: First of all, find your "tree" under which you would like to do the yoga exercises. You do not have to be exactly underneath it, you can also practice within sight of the tree. Good is a seat nearby - for subsequent meditation. When keeping a thin extra fleece jacket warm, and with a watch or a cell phone with alarm function do not forget the time.

Good to know: Plan for the tree yoga series about 30 to 40 minutes. There are six different exercises and a meditation. Breathe in and out through your nose. This is important from a yogic point of view for the energy exchange in the body. If you want to do the exercises with your eyes closed, Then focus on the point between the brows. This helps against dizziness and sharpens the perception. 

Warm-up: Go to warm up to your tree, the last 3 minutes quietly slightly more quickly. Arrived? Then do this with all your senses: Look at or touch the tree, close your eyes, and breathe deeply a few times. Look for sounds and odors around you. In the end, you must stand relaxed. Describe large circles with your arms extended - circling 15 times and 15 times back, totaling approx. 3 minutes. Look at or touch the tree, close your eyes, and breathe deeply a few times. Look for sounds and odors around you. In the end, you must stand relaxed. Describe large circles with your arms extended - circling 15 times and 15 times back, totaling approx. 3 minutes. Look at or touch the tree, close your eyes, and breathe deeply a few times. Look for sounds and odors around you. In the end, you must stand relaxed. Describe large circles with your arms extended - circling 15 times and 15 times back, totaling approx. 3 minutes.

Exercise 1 - for face and shoulders

Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
Relaxes the face and promotes lymph flow, mobilizes and circulates the shoulder area to set

hip width. Place your hands on the hips, the fingertips pointing forward. Inhale, hold your breath, flush your cheeks, and move the shoulders up and down several times. Then exhale, cheeks and shoulders relax. And repeat the exercise. 1 minute.

Exercise 2 - for the lungs

Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
Strengthens shoulders, upper arms and lungs. Especially when inhaled, the lungs are stretched and the chest is placed widely in the

hips, bringing the elbows in front of the upper body to shoulder height. In doing so, the forearms are angled perpendicularly and the hands are clenched into fists (the thumb lies inside, the fingers enclose it).
Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
Breathe in and bring the elbows outwards in a flowing motion until the forearms point parallel to the ground. Exhale and bring the sub-arms into the starting position. Keep the shoulder strap relaxed. Pull the shoulder blades down and together. Total 1 to 3 minutes.

Exercise 3 - for the hip and legs

Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
Mobilizes and stretches the hip and tendon tendons - and is intended to strengthen the fighting spirit. Spread

feet a little wider than hip-width. Raise the forearms parallel to the ground and let your hands hang loose. With the hips circling. When breathing in, circle upwards, while exhaling backwards. Problems with the intervertebral discs? Then divide the circular movement into small individual movements. 2 minutes.

Exercise 4 - for the circulation

Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
Invigorates the circulation, strengthens the lungs

The feet are hip-widthed. Bring the upper arms together stretched over the head. The fingers to the so-called "Venusgriff" firmly interlocked - thereby the left thumb over the right thumb, the right small finger is outside. Now tighten the pelvic floor, inhale (the chest lifts) and pull the arms up and back. When breathing out, bend the upper part of the body and the arms forward to the ground, in as fluid movements as possible. 4 minutes.

Exercise 5 - for the legs and back

Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
Dissolves and loosens blockages in the legs and back

The mantra "Har" stands for the "divine" and is supposed to stimulate reflex points in the palate, which in turn should provide more energy and enforcement power. Place shoulder width. Put your arms stretched over your head, fingers intertwine, this time turn your hands up. Well, without lifting the feet, shaking the legs, slow, then more intense. 1 minute. Then shake the whole body loosely, for 2 minutes. Whoever wants to, speaks loudly to the mantra "Har" at the last minute. Try to roll the R - with the tip of the tongue on the palate.

Exercise 6 - for concentration

Strengthens the nervous system, brings clarity and concentration The archer, the starting position for this exercise, is to be the best attitude to envisage a goal and boldly pursue it. The syllables of the mantra "Sa Ta Na Ma", which can accompany the four-part movement cycle, stand for the life circle: birth, life, death and new beginning.

The Archer: For this purpose, imagine yourself as a hip-breaker. Angle the right foot 45 degrees to the side and shift the weight to the front foot, the right leg is extended, the hip and legs are in line. Raise your right arm forward, bang your fingers to your fist (thumb up) - as if you were holding a bow. Then bend the left hand to the fist, And pull it up to the shoulder - as if you were stretching the bowstring. The elbow is at shoulder height. Bend the right knee slightly, the knee is above the heel.
Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
Begin with the following four-part movement cycle: 6a Prevent the right knee slightly (not beyond the tip of the toe), sing "Sa", or just think and lean forward and back with the upright upper body. Return to the initial position. Repeat the movement with the syllable "Ta", return to the starting position, and continue with the syllables "Na" and "Ma".
Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
6b Now, just bring your hands straight over your head and weigh back and forth at each syllable of the mantra "Sa Ta Na Ma", the upper body remains straight. To do so, clapping on each syllable once in the hands.
Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
6c Place the stretched arms in front of the upper body, parallel to the floor. To the syllable "Sa" prevail, clapping in the hands, back. The upper body remains straight. Continue with the next syllables.
Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
6d Bring the hands behind the upper body. With each syllable of the mantra "Sa Ta Na Ma" back and forth, upper body remains straight. To do so, clapping each syllable behind the upper body in the hands.

Start again with part 6a. The motion cycle is repeated for 5 minutes. Then change the setting and repeat the exercise for 5 minutes. During the entire sequence, focus on a point, for example at the jaw. After that, you have arrived at the end of the yoga exercises. Before meditation, relax while standing or sitting. Listen to the roar of the wind, the cracking of the branches and the silence that surrounds everything. As long as you want - whether 1 or 10 minutes long.

Exercise 7 - Final meditation

Tree Yoga - for more inner peace
Clarify the thoughts - the meditation to the conclusion

In simple, upright attitude sit down, on a bench or the ground. Bring the left forearm perpendicular to the chest (the hand is a few inches below the chin). Angle the left hand backwards, the palm of the hand points upwards and the fingers to the left. Now grasp the right hand under the left and cover the outer edge of the left one. Breathe long and deep in the belly. Keep your eyes quietly minimally opened. So that the thought carousel is a bit restful, you can quietly sing the mantra "Sa Ta Na Ma" (the melody can be found on the Internet at At least 3 minutes. In the end sit still, close your eyes and feel comfortable.


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