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7 life hacks to cope with the morning with kids stress-free

The daily struggle with the children has come to an end! With these 7 simple tricks the stress is simply erased in the morning.
The morning with children is always a small tear test. There is dumpling, jamming, lamented and cursed. In the end all the house left mega stressed and are already annoyed early in the morning. This does not have to be, if only a few small things change. Try it with these 7 tips:

1. Give your children a way

It is best to hang small cards into the nursery where your child can see what is to be done. Brushing teeth, putting on hair, combing the bed. Once the little ones understand that there is the same program every morning, they also internalize it.

2. Create a playlist with favorite songs

So that your offspring do not fall into the dawn of the morning, because time is very precious there, you direct it through the day with its favorite parts. Agreed when what should be done. After the first song, the teeth should be cleaned, after two, the sleeping suit should be dressed and after three, the day outfit should be dressed and to the fourth song your child makes his bed. You will be amazed how well this works.
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3. Let your child choose his things

The best thing is to go out on the sunday evening all outfits for the week out. Every day of the week gets a fixed place in the closet and one goes in the morning discussions out of the way.

4. Think of the morning already in the evening

After the dinner, you only open the table together to cover it practically for the next morning. Plates, cups, bowls and glasses can also be distributed to the youngest.
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5. Prepare breads and snacks

The Brotdose and small snacks can also be prepared in the evening. Let your children decide what they want to have on their pause bread - but meet a small selection before. Apple slits, cucumber slices or carrot sticks you can cut even in the evening. Packed in small bags, each child can choose their own favorite bag. What you have left you just take with you.

6. Satchels, gymnasts and shoes have their place

Everyone in the family has its own little corner, into which he places the things he needs the next morning. The schoolbag is packed in the evening, the shoes are next to it and the gym bag as well. So you can not really forget anything.

7. Protect yourself

For all your teeth brushing, eating, hand washing and tidying up in the early morning, you should always wear your bathrobe over your outfit. Annoying spots on the blouse or pants are so passé.


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