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So light up dark armpits

Well-kept shoulders are not only a must in the summer. So take care of beautiful, bright shoulders

Armpits do not necessarily belong to the body sites, which we pay a lot of attention. In addition to depilation with a razor or wax and the care with Deo, we do not spend much time on it.
But also the skin in the Achelhöhlen deserves care so that it does not become darker by the shaving, waxing and spraying over the years. With these tricks you light up the skin in the armpits.

1. Peeling

Also in the armpits the skin is renewed continuously. In order to prevent dark discoloration and to facilitate the skin rejuvenation, you should make a gentle peeling once a week. Important: Before shaving or waxing, scrub your shoulders with a cream or body lotion.

2. Lemon

Lemon juice also removes dead skin cells. In addition, the acid provides an effective lightening of the skin. An additional plus is the natural deoffect of the lemon. Halve the fruit and grate the lemon with the cut edge over the skin. Allow the acid to react briefly before washing. Caution: Immediately after shaving, the application can burn strongly!

3. Natron

Mix soda with water to make a paste. Rub the armpits daily with this paste. Caution: Natron dries the skin strongly. Therefore, you should look after the treatment for particularly intensive care.

4. Potato juice

If you have a juicer, you can also try out this natural method: Simply sift some potatoes and apply the liquid daily to the armpits with a cotton ball. Leave in for a short time, rinse thoroughly and then apply cream or lotion.


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