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Save up? Is not for many women in it

96 per cent of women want financial autonomy - but the majority can not even afford a retirement pension. What's wrong?

The love money ...
In this context, much has been said about the financial equality between men and women, not least since the debate on the law on wage inequality. Not only does a 2017 election campaign announce justice, there is also a lot of discussion about the pension system and the danger of poverty. However, it affects women in particular, the pension gap between the sexes is 57 percent and is expected to rise further. Money is a sensitive issue for the Germans anyway. To this extent, it is only right that the blatant differences in income, wealth and pensions between men and women are finally reflected in a broader social discussion.
On the one hand, the rather ugly gender pay gap - the wage gap between the sexes, which is still 21 per cent (unadjusted) and seven per cent (adjusted). ( On 18 March, the Equal Pay Day, which is devoted to this theme, is also taking place .) There is the already mentioned pension gap between men and women. And statistics also show that women possess significantly less wealth than men - that is, real estate and shares or corporate values. Of course, the lower level of ownership is also linked to lower income and lower pay.

Women still lack top positions

In addition, women continue to be dramatically underrepresented in leadership positions. Even if there has been a quota for the minorities for the supervisory boards of listed companies since 2016, this is by no means sufficient to bring women more into decision-making and leadership positions and thus to better-paid Josb. As before, most of the positions are still firmly in the hands of men, especially at C-level. But right here the big money is earned. In 1991, according to a recent study, group executives earned 28 times the average worker , today it is 83 times.
Of course, not every woman can become a top manager. Most do not want it. What the women in Germany want, however, is financial independence. According to a study conducted by the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB), 96 percent of women want to be economically independent of their partner and the state. But this is by far not the case.
There would be about 1.6 million single-parent families. 90 percent of these are women. They are particularly vulnerable to poverty. And the main reason for the social descent of single-parent families is the unpaid child support. According to the Federal Association of single-parent mothers and fathers (VAMV) 75 per cent of the children with entitlement to childcare receive them at all or not at all. Families with only one parent have the largest risk of poverty in all family forms at around 42 percent, despite the fact that the employment of single women is high and continues to rise.

Poor risk of breast-feeding

There would be 2.5 million minijobbers, most of whom are women - married women with children. Often, it is normal employees and workers who have chosen this type of work because of the lack of reconciling family and work. Benefited from spouse placement and free family insurance. This may be a sensible decision for the life situation as a family with children at care-intensive age. However, this decision is fatal for long-term financial independence. For a minijobberin, who is exposed to full-time or full-time employment for many years, only very few pension entitlements are earned. These are also not compensated for the pension points for child rearing times. And failed the marriage, Then the woman usually faces financial ruin. Since the maintenance reform of 2008, the ex-partner no longer has any support, even if he has been exposed to the family for many years in his job and has taken care of the children's education and the households.
And so it is not surprising that two-thirds of all women in employment have no money for old-age provision. Irene Pimminger, the social scientist, Moreover, every third woman between 25 and 60 years does not deserve enough to cover her immediate existence in one month. How money should remain for old-age provision and asset building - completely unclear.

Equivalent work must be paid immediately

And so it is important that the issue of women, money and economic independence become the central theme in the equality law. On the one hand, cases such as that of Birte Meier - a ZDF reporter, who complained against the unfair payment and only recently succumbed to court - no longer occur. On the other hand, the right measures must be taken, both politically and legally. The equal pay law or the planned right to return from part-time to full-time are proper guard rails, they only go far enough. More important is the right to equal pay as well as collective bargaining that equals men and women. For it is still not clear why an elderly nurse, who still has responsibility for human life,
In the end, financial and economic independence is also the responsibility of every woman herself. This includes the right choice of a partner. And the right career choice. And it requires enlightenment. The DGB project What deserves the woman wants to enlighten young women in particular - so they make the right decisions.
