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Lemon water: Feel good in 30 seconds

Do you need a quick, effective and healthy refreshment? Then lemon water is just the thing

Lemon water is just the thing for the quick freshness kicks in between.

To start the day with warm lemon water, nutritionists have been preaching us for some time. But even over the day and for between, lemon brings us the extra freshness kicks and provides for a good mood. So if you experience a little low in the afternoon, treat yourself to an "injected" water - you will immediately feel good.

This is, of course, not only due to the acidity of the fruit, but also to the many healthy ingredients. Full of vitamins, minerals and various trace elements, the lemon is an energy supplier who has it in itself. According to David Wolfe, nutrition and beauty expert, there are more than 20 reasons to incorporate lemon water (whether lukewarm, cold, or as tea) more often into everyday life.

A True Miracle Weapon

The minerals from the lemon help with joint and muscle pain, increase the liver function and keep the kidneys on the go. In addition, the regular drinking of lemon water can reduce blood pressure by about ten percent.

Last but not least, the lemon helps us to be sufficiently hydrated: its high content of iron, calcium and magnesium acts as a miracle in the electrolyte balance of the body. In addition, the lemon is said to be able to prevent anxiety and depression thanks to its high content of iron.


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