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For beautiful tight legs: The 30 day leg challenge!

Let it burn: With this challenge, every day becomes a leg-day!
As soon as the temperatures become summery again and the short pants season is up, the legs move back into the field of view. It means being prepared. Plays with our 30 day leg challenge and tightens your legs.

Jumping squats for thighs and buttocks

Squats, to German squats, are the absolute must-do for tight thighs and a crispy butt. Obviously, such an exercise must not be missed in a leg challenge, so we have picked out a super-effective variant in which the calves are also addressed.
Here's how:
Just get up, your feet are about shoulder-width apart. In order to spare your back and keep your upper body in good shape, your belly is taut. Lower your buttocks backwards as if you were going to sit down. Then you jump to the top. You can help with the arms and get some momentum (be careful not to bother your head).
If this is too strenuous, or who has knee problems, should skip the jumps and rather control normal squats.

Starts on Day 1 with 15 Jumping Squats and increases the number of times five times a week by 2 to 5 reps. In the ideal case, you will get 80 reps on day 30.

(Lunges) for thighs and buttocks

The lunge is a great exercise for the thighs and the buttocks. Just sit down and take a big step forward alternately with the left and the right foot. The anterior knee should reach a 90 degree angle, the posterior one not touching the ground.
If you find it harder, you can also take a jump at the change of the leg, as with the Jumping Squats.
The thighs and legs are trained with the dropout step.© iStock
Starts on Day 1 with 12 pauses and increases the number five times a week by 2 to 5 reps per leg. In the ideal case, you will get 30 reps per leg on day 25.

Side leg lifting for tight thighs

For beautifully trained legs it is not enough to train only the front and the back of the thighs, as well as the outer and inner sides are required. With side lifting it folds.
Side leg lifting for the outer thighs Variant A (Abductors):
Here's how it's done:
Put yourself comfortably on the right side, so your body is held steady by the right forearm and the right leg (you can also support your head on your hand.) Tighten your belly and lift your left leg from the right If you angle the leg, it is lighter at first.
Side leg lifting for the inner thighs variant B (adductors):
Here's how:
Put yourself on the right side. The right arm supports the head. The left leg is set up so that the foot is placed directly in front of the right thigh. The right leg remains stretched and forms the extension of the upper body. Stretch the right leg and lift it slowly and controlled a few centimeters from the ground and then lower it - without putting it on the ground. Then change the legs.
Variant: Instead of lifting and lowering the leg, you can hold your leg at the highest point and make small circular movements.
Start on day 1 with 8 repetitions per leg the lateral leg lift in the variants A and B. Ideally, you achieve thereby 30 reps per leg on day 25.
Who does not participate in the Challenge can also 3 sets with 12-15 reps each Page and variant.

Burning comes to an end: The Wandsitz

In order for thighs and calves to get back on their feet again, there is an exercise that will make some of you loose and let others suffer - do you?
Here's how: Lean your back against a wall. Make sure that the entire back lies flat. Your feet are spaced apart from each other at a suitable distance from the wall. Go easily into the crouch, until you "sit" at the 90 degree angle on the wall. Hold the upper body straight.
Starts on Day 1 with 15 seconds. Ideally, you will reach 60 seconds / 1 minute on the 22nd day.

Here's the whole leg challenge to print out!

30-day leg Challegne© Copyright


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