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The best anti-aging drink!

Aging, together with its external changes, is a natural and normal process, which one should basically live through in dignity. Still, you can slow it down with a natural anti-aging drink.

It does not always have to be botox, surgical skin tightening or vampire lifting , because only with what nature gives us, can the skin come to life again. With the following ingredients, you can prepare the perfect anti-aging drink and quickly notice how the skin gradually becomes firmer.

Anti Aging Drink Ingredients:

1 small beetroot
3 carrots
8 sticks of celery
1 roe broccoli
2 cloves of garlic

Anti Aging Drink Preparation:

Mix these ingredients to a juice and drink it in the same week. Enjoy the rapid positive change of your skin!


Broccoli is rich in vitamin C and increases the number of white blood cells that keep infections out. The cruciferous plant fights preventive diseases and is essential for the slowing down of the aging process.


Garlic consists of a sulfur-containing composition which strengthens the immune system enormously. It contains antimicrobial active ingredients and keeps healthy.


The ingredients of the beetroot, such as vitamins of the B group, vitamin C and above all the coloring agent betanine are antioxidative and have a rejuvenating effect. They fight stress and thus the free radicals and protect the immune system from damage.


Also carrots are antioxidant and rich in vitamins, mineral and fiber. Especially the dietary fiber pectin promotes digestion.


Celery is a vitamin bomb and reduces blood pressure and thus protects the walls of the arteries. Vegetables contain essential oils that


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