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Tanja Dünnfründ about career planning

Still, women in the top 100 companies are looking for a lesser number (less than one percent) and also deserve a lead in leadership positions of 28 percent less than men. 

Changing does it: not much. Time to take care of the career planning itself. 
Not so easy, but in many places role models, that is, women in leadership positions, could serve as role models. In addition, women are usually motivated by Sachthems - they want to do a good job and be recognized by it. A laudable approach - unfortunately not very promising. The recognition works mostly and brings gladly even more to work, which then also well-done is. The rise in companies, however, takes place differently - namely through networks, the notoriety in the company and the marketing of own successes. All of these are issues that women often find difficult. But how can you actively promote your career?
  • Individual definition of career
  • Set goals and examine them
  • Networks
  • Get active support
What is career at all? This is a question that each individual can only answer himself. In general, the term "career" is understood in the company, which is associated with more responsibility and usually also with management tasks. But is this really the only form of career !?
In my view - no! Career depends on your desires, goals and needs, and so the very individual definition of career is the entry into career planning. Only you can answer this question for yourself. You should, of course, consider your strengths. After ten years of advising executives, I am convinced that you will be successful if you do what you like to do and what you are good at. This will keep you motivated, sparkle passion and are present.
Careers are not static or stringent. Looking at the career development of different top managers, it is striking: There is no patent recipe. Pathways are different. Career is something quite individual and is at your own responsibility. Only rarely will the first job be the absolute dream job and cover all criteria. And as a rule, it will not only go upwards. Sidesteps belong to careers just like defeats. What is crucial is that you do not let it stop you from following your own path. And surely you will meet people who support and support you. Do you want children? An inadmissible question in the job interview but decisive for your own planning. Homework and childcare are still firmly in women's hands. How do you want to combine career and child issues? My tip: clarify this in good time with your partner.
From the career definition, specific objectives are derived, for example within two years, a function abroad. Goals help you to focus your own business. They provide orientation and enable effective planning. Because only when I know where I want to go, can I prepare for it. Some questions you should ask yourself:
  • What are my strengths, what are the appropriate activities?
  • In which form of organization do I want to work?
  • Do I want to travel abroad?
  • How important is it to me to find time for hobbies, friends, ...?
  • Do I want to lead employees in the future?
  • When do I want to lead my first project / lead the first team / make the first Auslandsstation / ...?
  • Do I want family?
  • How important is safety to me?
Just like a career, goals are not static. With their first experiences, they will also appreciate some things that were previously unimportant. Others lose their importance. So it is critical that you always ask yourself critically: Am I on the right track? Are the targets still set?
A network consists of people who share a common interest or a goal. We all are part of a lot of networks - fellow students (graduation), family and friends (support and sympathy), FC-Köln fan club (it has to work again) ... some of us use it quite automatically, for example our family Others are the inhibitions larger. I have already helped my network of fellow students to two good jobs. My network from a mentoring program is motivation and inspiration. Networks always live with giving and taking.
Take the opportunity to start your professional network at the university. Rarely have you gathered so many people with similar interests around you. Your activity is always in demand. Networks rarely occur without active intervention. Go actively to others too, find out what moves this, what they want and start first joint activities. This can be substantive things like lectures, but also a nice Stammtisch. Perhaps you would like to deal with your own network. My coaching tool "A web that carries" is also ideal for self-coaching.
Women usually find it difficult to activate their network for job-related support or to ask for help. Here, too, the network idea - giving and taking. In general, people like to help each other - unless they feel worn out. However, at some points in the process of transitioning from study to work, you can very consciously seek support: participation in mentoring programs gives you a good insight into companies and the learning of an experienced person. I myself have helped to better understand political issues in companies and to avoid one or the other faux pas.
Also as a network, a mentoring program is great - on the one hand one gets access to the network of the mentor, on the other hand there are all the other mentees who are in a similar life situation. In internships, you build up a network in the company, actively get feedback and tips for the application process. To ask as many people as possible about their experiences in the professional life and thus to sharpen their own image of different professions, helps in their own career planning immensely. Through relevant jobs or activities in student counseling, you also gain active experience and get to know each other.
No matter what you do, do it with passion - but without diligence. Believe in yourself - you will notice. And accept errors as what they are, one of our most important sources of learning.


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