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Against sniffing - the most effective yoga exercises Part 2

How blown away

Cold: Against colds - the most effective yoga exercises
Wind is an element that fascinates yogis. They call it VAYU - meaning all aspects of life energy PRANA , which is active in our body. In the imagination of the yogis it is this wind, which, for example, arouses our "digestive fire" and also keeps all other metabolic processes in motion. The wind inspires us inwardly, but also mentally. For he blows everything around, even that which has long been frozen in us. In doing so, he is also reviving processes that have stalled. Wind moves, whirls up and keeps us on our toes - wonderful.

But the wind can also make us fidgety and nervous when our lives are already agitated and agitated. If it storms and winds in such phases - in front of the door or in its own interior - Then we need stability and stability , so that the wind does not blow us away.

Our exercises adapt to both faces of the wind: you can either go with the wind, use your strength and blow away what you are weighing with a strong breath. Or you can learn to resist the pressure and feel like a lighthouse in the roaring sea.

Like sailing an albatross

Cold: Against colds - the most effective yoga exercises
Come into a stable stand: place your feet around shoulder-width, and twist a little bit outwards. Feel the inner axis, which pulls like a solder from the vertex through the body. Spread your arms out to shoulder height. Stretch them far over the fingertips into the room, like an albatros spreading its wings. Rotate around the vertical axis: Breathe in the rotation and return to the imaginary center line. Feel the air under your arms, and sail like an albatross on the wind ... Continue for 1-3 minutes. Then, let the arms sink, twist the feet closer together, and trace them.

Discarding what is complaining

Cold: Against colds - the most effective yoga exercises
Place the feet wide , and be sure to have some space around you. Lift both arms stretched to the upper right. Look up at your hands, and breathe deeply. Let your arms fly upwards to the left and look behind the hands. Breathe through the mouth with the sound "Ha!" out. Swing back and forth with your arms, breathing deeply through the nose. Give this movement so much energy as if you wanted to hurl everything behind you or to the side. Continue with this movement for 1-2 minutes, allowing them to become more powerful and energetic. Then, for a moment, trace them in the stand, and watch,

How to stand a lighthouse in the surf

Cold: Against colds - the most effective yoga exercises
Set the feet slightly less than basin wide and parallel. Fold the outer edges of the heels and the big toes firmly to the ground. Allow the next inhalation to sink the pelvis far down and down, and raise your arms. Stretch your legs with your exhalation, and let your arms sink. Continue with the rhythm of your breath for 1-2 minutes. Breathe as slowly, deeply and quietly as possible. Then linger for a few breaths in the powerful squat position: lower the pelvis far and back, the anterior edges of the heels firmly anchored in the ground, and raise the upper body and arms like a lighthouse in the surf. Breathe peacefully and deeply. To leave the posture, stretch the legs, And slowly lower your arms. Feel in standing, and you will be aware of your improved stability and inner strength.

The Storm Swallow

Cold: Against colds - the most effective yoga exercises
The legs are slightly less than open wide, the feet parallel.Make sure you stand on a level surface. Relocate the weight to the right leg. Lift up both arms inhaling. Exhaling, lift the left leg backwards and let the upper body and the arms, if possible, sink parallel to the ground to the ground. Stretch a breath in both length and width. Return to the stand, breathing in, and let your arms sink. Repeat this procedure with the left leg as a leg, then again. Then linger in the attitude; First on the right, then on the left leg. Lay the arms of your arms in the air, imagine yourself as fast as a swallow through the air. If you are aware, As the wind sweeps around you as it gives the body lift, carries it. Linger ... Then follow the movement.

The tree in the wind

Cold: Against colds - the most effective yoga exercises
Stand on a flat surface.Relocate the weight to the leg, which is usually your stand leg. Fold the big toe ball to the ground and press the outer edge of the heel into the ground so that the hip of the stand moves back to the center axis and the pelvis rises up in the middle.

Rooted over the foot of your stand in depth and width. Lift the foot of the leg and place it on the inside of the knee or thigh. Exercise pressure with the sole of your foot and forcefully press back with the area of ​​the leg where your foot rests. This prevents the foot slipping off. Lift the arms up sideways - like the branches of a tree. Linger so calmly breathing. The standing leg remains completely in contact with the ground and the sole of the foot. 

Focus on the vertical axis of the body during exercise. To keep the balance better, fix a point on the ground or on the horizon. So, linger, and feel the wind whirling and shaking you as you stand steady and calm like an old tree, lightly swinging with the wind. Maintain the rooting and inner alignment on the vertical axis. As the wind shakes and jolts you as you stand steady and calm like an old tree and gently weigh with the wind ... After completing the exercise, follow the stand. Maintain the rooting and inner alignment on the vertical axis. As the wind shakes and jolts you as you stand steady and calm like an old tree and gently weigh with the wind ... After completing the exercise, follow the stand. Maintain the rooting and inner alignment on the vertical axis.

The mountain in the sun

Cold: Against colds - the most effective yoga exercises
Stay standing. Rotate your palms forward and spread your fingers. Think of each hand as a small sun. Every finger is a sunbeam, and the sun in every palm of the hand radiates far into the space around them. Linger that way. Breathe peacefully in and out, and feel the wind and weather to activate and revive without you having to give up your inner peace and strength.


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