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These yoga exercises tighten up your breasts

1. The Warrior

The Yoga Warrior (Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana) is a yoga exercise that refers to the great warrior Virabhadra. It is not only very strenuous but also helps your upper body to become elastic and active. In the pose, the left leg is bent by 90 degrees, the knee is just above the ankle. The arms are stretched sideways parallel to the floor, the palms facing down. The hip is turned to the left so that tension is generated in the thighs.

2. The triangle

The triangle pose (Sanskrit: Trikonasana) strengthens your chest, stretches your spine and improves blood flow. This is how it works: Place your feet far apart from each other on the yoga mat, the left is turned 90 degrees, the right is 15 degrees. Touch the left ankle with your left hand and stretch your right arm up. Both arms should form a line. The knees are straight, the face looks upwards. The exercise can be repeated with the other side.

3. The Cobra

Bhujangasana, or "The Cobra", has great effects on your body. The yoga exercise increases your lung volume, stretches your chest muscles, strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves your posture. Here's how: Put yourself on your stomach and breathe deeply. Slowly lift the upper body and balance your weight on the arms. Lift your head and look straight ahead. With each time you should be able to last longer.

4. The bow

The bow pose (Sanskrit: Dhanurasana) is one of the principles of Hatha Yoga. It helps stretch the entire spine, strengthen the upper back muscles, and steal the arms and thighs. At the same time, your breasts are also formed. How it works? You lie on your belly while your hands grip your ankles and the chest is bent upwards. Sounds simple, but it is not.

5. The wheel / bridge

The yoga exercise called chakrasana, or also called wheel, develops a strong flexibility in abdomen, chest, shoulders, thighs and back. An exercise that relieves neck tension, improves the return flow from venous blood to the heart, and supports the digestion by stretching the abdominal organs. And this is how it works: Your hands and feet are on this floor, your head is turned, your upper body stretched towards the ceiling. Beginners start from the ground and lift themselves into the bent back position, advanced players can bend backwards from the stand.

6. The head position

Salamba Sirsasana, or head-head, generally stretches the muscles of the spine and upper body. It should help to improve breathing and blood flow. If necessary, you can start practicing against a wall to maintain the balance. In this yoga exercise, you bring both legs up, so one leg after the other touches the wall, then you stretch both legs. The whole body is perpendicular to the floor, the spine straight, the shoulders raised. Stay at least one minute in this posture.

7. The camel

The camel pose (Sanskrit: Ustrasana) is effective in the fight against back pain - and effective for beautiful, firm breasts. Why? Because this exercise strengthens the chest. Here's how: Ustrasana is a backward bend, where you reach your heels with your hands one after the other. The arms are stretched, the hip remains above the knees. Head and neck are relaxed, the pose is held for several breaths.
Anyone who repeats these exercises more frequently will soon see a strengthening of the thoracic muscles, which in turn is reflected in a beautiful chest shape. Just try it out and dedicate yourself to the power of asanas.


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