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How to Create a balancing act?

Not every one of us is blessed with long, stretchy and supple tendons and ligaments, or has a great joint amplitude - the A & O for flexible movements, and, of course, the perfect balancing act. However, a regular intensive training of the ligaments, muscles and tendons in the form of stretching exercises can increase their flexibility by a large number and provide the great success experience. What you need: perseverance, true to the motto 'no diligence no price'. And, equally important, patience! Because you must allow the tendons and ligaments the necessary rest and relaxation, as their flexibility can only be carefully built step by step over a long period of time.


Exercise for the Spreizspagat : Here you place a leg on an elevated object (for example a chair or a window sill) and bend the upper body in the direction of your raised leg. Your upper body remains in this position for 30-60 seconds . The forward and backward bending is repeated several times . This position can also be applied to the floor while sitting, the leg being then angled and the foot being placed in the inside of the extended leg.
Exercise for the cross-country : Sit on the floor in the ratchet and try to stretch your upper body as far as it goes to the front and stretch to both the right and the left leg. Repeat this for 30-60 seconds several times. Advanced players can sit in the strut against a wall to exert pressure on the inner thighs. Here, too, the patient is kept in the position for a few seconds and breathed into the (slight) pain.

Build these stretching exercises daily into your everyday life and you will recognize within the next three to six months an improvement of your Felxibilität and (eventually) almost from all alone in the balancing act.


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