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This happens with your body when you eat too little

They eat less to lose weight or often have no time to eat "normal"? Not good. These four things happen with your body when you eat too little

Less is more? Not in this case!

Some people eat less because they want to lose weight. Others do not realize in everyday life that they eat too little. For whatever reason: Too little to eat is not only unhealthy, but also brings your body and eating feeling together. It is clear: your body needs a balanced diet - even during a diet.

1. They have mood swings

Do you know the sudden feeling of being dissatisfied with simply everything? If it happens to you more often that your mood is tipping, this could be the reason: your blood glucose level is too low . This is a clear sign that your body is missing something. Namely the balanced diet and thus energy.

2. They lose weight in the form of muscles

The body can store energy in the form of protein (ie muscle) and fat. If you consume less calories than your body actually needs, the body takes the energy from existing muscles - but not from the fat ingredients. One sign of this is that you are always feeling limp, weak and tired. 
They lose weight, but in the wrong places. In addition, you can reduce the possibility of burning fat. Because the body needs muscles for it.

3. You can not concentrate

Do you get enough sleep and still have problems with concentration? They eat too little! Your body does not only need energy when you do physical efforts, but also when your brain needs to work.
So if you are always forgetting where you parked your car, or if you have trouble working on the ball, you should find the right balance in your diet.

4. They long for Fast Food & Co.

Anyone who does not provide his body with all the important ingredients, gets hot starters - especially on calorie-rich foods. Your body gives you the signal that it lacks a lot of calories and cries for greasy and hearty food. 
But there is a worse effect: if you eat nothing for the whole day, you can fall into a real eating noise.
So try also to add unhealthy snacks to your healthy diet to avoid hot starter attacks.


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