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30 ways how you can save money when shopping for food

Nowadays it is very difficult for many people to buy enough food for themselves and their family with a few Euros. That's why we show you how to get more out of your money while shopping, without sacrificing quality!

Here are our 30 tips on how to save money when shopping at the grocery store:

1. Know the average food prices
2. Always write a shopping cart
3. Plan your meals
4. Make a big purchase once a week
5. Use your own shopping bag or bag
6. Buy regional food
7. Buy food from the current season
8. Integrate at least one meatless day a week
9. Pack your lunch for work or school
10. Do not buy single-portioned foods
11. NEVER go hungry
12. Collect loyalty points
13. Replace expensive meat with cheap vegetarian foods, such as beans, eggs, tofu, and legumes
14. Do not buy cut food. Take the trouble and cut it yourself
15. Buy frozen fruit for cakes and smoothies
16. Cook from the ground up: make your own bread, cereal, pasta, salad dressing, etc.
17. Go to the discounter shop
18. Buy milk and eggs from the farmer if you have the opportunity
19. Cook with cheap but nutritious foods (eg beans, lentils, soups, oats)
20. Drink more water, so you are often less hungry, do not have to eat so much and keep your body fit and vital
21. Buy private labels, which are often cheaper than well-known brands
22. Pay attention to the proper storage of your food
23. Use coupons
24. Do not throw food at the expiration of the minimum shelf life date immediately, often they are still a few days longer edible
  • The minimum durability date is not an "expiration date"
25. Buy food down the shelf. In most cases products are more expensive
26. Buy baked goods at the bakery, not at the supermarket. They are often cheaper and also better
27. Go shopping without children, either buy expensive sweets or they're sad because you did not buy them
28. Buy healthy food instead of fast food. Processed foods can be expensive
29. Plant your own herbs
30. Buy vegetables frozen when it is cheaper


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