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Study: That's why you should train before breakfast

If you want to lose weight, you have to do some sports - that is probably all aware. But did you know that you will lose weight faster when you train before breakfast?

Probably the fewest people can motivate themselves in the morning to drive on sober stomach sport. And at the same time, early sport can be worthwhile, after all, you can get your body on the go and crank up the fat burning! As a new study shows, one should even lose weight very quickly if one is already active before the breakfast.

Should you eat something before the workout? 

Should you eat before the training or not? A question about which the experts have so far disagreed. As scientists of the University of Bath in Great Britain have now determined for the first time in a study, it is quite sensible to take breakfast only after morning sport. 

 But how was the whole thing determined? For their investigation, the researchers accompanied eight overweight people who completed their workout before and two hours after a carbohydrate-rich breakfast. After the 60-minute walking, a blood sample was taken from the subjects. 

 The result: when training on an empty stomach the enzymes PDK4 and HSL increased measurably, the latter being responsible for the decomposition of fats stored in the body in order to make them available to the body as energy. In contrast, these enzymes decreased among subjects who trained after breakfast. This means that the energy in this case was not drawn from the body's fat deposits, but from the calories fed (breakfast). Fat burning of the body fat therefore did not take place. And that means that we do not lose weight .


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