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Are you starting to run? Or did you have a long time before? Since I had neglected the running until the end of the last year , I had to get used again to the new stresses and build up condition. My tips for newcomers I tell you in this post.

1. Set a realistic goal. 
If you just want to start running, your goal should not be to finish a marathon. But 5 km in 30 minutes are a realistic goal. Give you 8 to 12 weeks time and have patience. If you run regularly, you will be able to run for 30 minutes at a time after 2 weeks. The next goal can then be the 10 km run, then the semi-marathon and only then comes the marathon. Stay realistic!
2. Run simply go! Unsporting people over 35 years are advised to have their doctor checked in advance. If you are physically fit, you can just go. I personally do not like to go after a training plan, others give this security and motivation. How did I manage to walk 5 km? I'm looking for a stretch about 5 km long. Then I walk and run as long as I can. If I have the feeling "I can not anymore!" I look for a goal in 100 to 200 meters distance. Because most of the time you only think you can not run any further, but a few meters are still there. When I reach that goal, I go so long until I feel I can go on. And so it goes on - walking, walking, walking, walking. At the same time, however, I do not think of any plan (3 minutes walk - 1 minute walk or similar), but listen only to my body. I have always driven very well. Since I run more or less the same distance, I see my success quickly: last time I have made it to this point, today I am already 300 meters further.
3. Take body signals seriously! 
We would already be at the next tip: take the signals that your body sends you seriously. Listen to your body. If you know how to walk, you can not go and need a rest, take it. Continuing there is usually kontraproduktiv (apart from the 100 to 200 meters, which usually still go). If you have a cold, fever, headaches, limbs, etc., you should not run, but be healthy. Otherwise, the risk of heartburn is too high. Sore muscles can not be "trained". The muscle soreness is a tiny damage to the muscle tissue. A further load can further aggravate these damages.
4. Stretch yourself! 
There are many discussions around stretching. Some say the stretching of the injuries is not diminished by stretching, while others claim the opposite. For me, stretching my legs before and after walking is indispensable. I always do a bit of yoga before and after running - it just does!
5. Run regularly! 
At the beginning you should run two to three times a week. This has a positive effect on your health and you will feel better after only a few weeks! But do not exaggerate. Also regeneration belongs to the training!
6. Find your tempo! 
Start slowly! The best and best known rule of thumb is to choose your speed so that you can still talk normally. The cardiovascular system, the joints, tendons and the muscles must first get used to the new stress. Do not exaggerate, even if you are highly motivated! The ideal entry is, as described above, a combination of running and walking. Gradually you can then increase. The running intervals become longer and the walking intervals shorter.
7. Do not run with full stomach! 
That should be clear, right? With an empty stomach you run much better than with pizza or pasta in the belly. In general, if you want to customize your diet and eat healthier, you will also see faster results - especially if you want to lose weight.
8. Drink enough. For a 5 km run, you do not need to have a drink on the way. Our body is easily able to withstand 45 to 60 minutes jogging without fluid intake without a limitation of performance. It is important , however, that you drink enough before and after your run .
9. Running equipment
Not every sport shoe is automatically suitable for running. I still remember well my attempt several years ago to run into my new Nike Frees. Not even a kilometer did I manage, although I ran regularly in my "real" running shoes and no condition problems had. My ankles have hurt a few days later. Proper running shoes give your feet a firm hold and bounce the steps, which reduces the risk of injury. Go into a specialty store and have a running analysis, then you are on the safe side. Functional clothing such as a running shirt, running socks, a T-shirt and a jacket for the colder days are useful, but they do not have to be at the beginning.
10. Find a running partner! If you are not so disciplined on a regular basis, you should be looking for a running partner. Running together makes running much more fun and you can motivate each other. An appointment to run is not so fast, just because you do not feel like. I would find it very embarrassing and would be my inner pig dog so much rather overcome.
And the most important thing: Have fun running! When I started walking, I found it terrible. Also on the second and third time it was not better. I had little physical condition and feel that all drivers and pedestrians stare at me. This is nonsense in 99% of cases, of course. Sure, you probably start running because you want to lose weight or do something for your health. Nevertheless, running should be fun. Even if the first runs are not really great, you should give the whole thing a chance. If you have a little physical condition and your course is still quite beautiful, you will know what I mean!


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