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Soon the time has come for the hare to pass - so today there are 10 facts about Easter . Somehow I was afterwards, I like the feast but so eerily happy, as I have already betrayed you in the last year . Also this year we will be on the Ostersonntag again with the family brunchen and our little one will look for the first time in the garden for a basket. Or is it not? I'm curious how much he understands with his 21 months, whether he is at all looking for eggs, or rather a detour into the sandbox? Since I was often asked what the Easter bunny hid our son: In his little basket will beHard-boiled eggs (I paint them with crayons from Stockmar * after the cooking ), an elephant from Ostheimer * , soap bubbles, a little bag of dates, as well as a mini-almond milk With straw (great love) and a tie. We find that this is quite sufficient and Easter is not a "gifts festival". That's why we asked Grandma and Grandpa not to give gifts to Jonte. We prefer it to the Racker just times, under the year, make a friend with, for example, a new shovel, a picture book.

10 facts about Easter
  1. Easter is the most important and oldest holiday of the church year . At Easter Jesus was risen.
  2. Easter is always different , there is no fixed Easter date . Ostersonntag is always the first Sunday after the first spring full moon. Easter is therefore always between the 22.03. And the 25.04 ..
  3. The word "Easter" is probably derived from the German word Austro, which means "Dawn".
  4. Today the Easter bunny usually brings the dyed eggs; in the past he had strong competition from fox, cuckoo, cock or stork.
  5. Why eggs are painted colorful at Easter is not exactly known, but they have already played a role in spring festivals in antiquity.
  6. "Eierticken" is played with many families at Ostersonntag at breakfast. Two hard-boiled eggs are joined by two other players. The egg wins, which does not break. The competition can now fight against another egg ...
  7. The meaning of the Easter fire in the Easter night: to bring light into the dark, just as Christ has brought light into the dark with his resurrection.
  8. The chocolate consumption of the Germans rises at a proud 50% at Easter time.
  9. By the way, the Easter islands are called "Osterinseln", because they were discovered on a day of Ostersonntag.
  10. There is actually a rabbit who really brings eggs at Easter, namely the "sea bunny". At the Easter time he spawns on the North Sea coast ...


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