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5 things that will relax you more than a holiday

Between work, household and family, it is quite normal to get into stressful situations from time to time. They can also move well and gladly over a few weeks. Our first reflex is then: I need a holiday ! We can also incorporate effective times into our daily lives. Quasi-mini holidays, which - if they are repeated regularly - have a more relaxing effect on us than a journey. Why? Because they are more sustainable than a few days of vacation at a time.

 A trip is nice, but after two weeks the recovery effect quickly returns. In addition, vacation does not always mean equal relaxation: quarrel with the partner, organization stress, illness ... Unfortunately, many stress-triggering trips. So how can we relax more effectively? For example, with these five measures.

 30-minute walk Every day! 

To work, lunch, after work ... best in nature. Various studies show that only five minutes in the forest can be extremely relaxing - and positively affect the cardiovascular system.

 Getting a pet 

What can it be: dog, cat, rabbit? Not everyone has time and desire to look after a pet. The fact is, animals reduce stress. The American Heart Association has found that they can reduce risk factors such as overweight, blood pressure and cholesterol. If you do not have time for your own animal, but do not want to do without it, you can also take a Gassi dog from the animal shelter.

 to do yoga 

Yoga can be a wonderful daily ritual in everyday life - because you can practice it at home. A study by the Massachusetts General Hospital has shown that relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or tai chi effectively reduce stress levels. A few minutes a day can already make the difference!

 Read more 

Anyone who regularly dives in books will certainly go on journeys - without organizational tress. Interestingly, researchers at the University of Sussex have found that reading can reduce stress levels by 68 percent. Music is still 61 percent.

 Find a hobby 

Apart from reading or yoga, there are many more things that can be a hobby.


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