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Women put Wespnester in their vagina

We have recently asked ourselves what our vagina would say to us if it could speak. With this new, very questionable beauty trend, she would probably simply run away screaming ...

There are now a whole lot of crazy beauty trends, which deal with the appearance of our vagina - from vajazzling to vaginal tightening , many women really seem to make sure that their mumu looks too old. This is, in principle, also the reason why some women are now actually pushing down Wespennester down.

Well, at least the nests do not come in the whole vaginas - or filled with wasp larvae. Rather, the whole is marketed as a new trend product of ground gallons. This, however, is actually a tumor on the underside of oak leaves, which is produced by deposited, fertilized eggs of the common oak-tree-weed .
That's what it should bring

As reported among other things "Daily Mail" , the purpose behind this questionable practice is that the calibration bile should clean the vagina and make it narrower. For example, some vendors of the "Oak Galls" promise to Etsy. In addition, the calibration bile would have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce vaginal discharges, eliminate unwanted odors and help to prevent itching.

The miracle we have all been waiting for?

Does not sound bad! But even if this trend seems to take hold, doctors warn against introducing Eichgalle into the vagina. Dr. Christine Greves, a female doctor at the Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando, describes this practice as "dangerous" even when talking about "Women's Health ". Not only that there are no studies on the possible consequences of using Eichgalle in the vagina, the powder can even dry up your sex parts and thus favors the infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Since a dry vagina is generally more susceptible to bacteria and other pathogens, the gall bladder can also lead to unpleasant odor in your vagina - which should actually combat the powder.

The problem that the distribution of such dangerous trends around the appearance of the vagina actually points to, usually has nothing to do with itching or intensified excursions (because in such a case you should and always first with your female doctor about the possible Causes). Why do women want to change their vagina at all? She is good as she is! It is time to leave our ambivalent relationship to the female intimate area behind us once and for all. It is the fear that many men seem to have in front of our ladyparts, or the emotional relationship that makes women even crying while looking at their vagina .

I am not saying now that it is wrong to want to keep its intimate area handsome and well maintained. Too much care is bad, we know by now, but we do not want to neglect our vagina.


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