How blown away Wind is an element that fascinates yogis. They call it VAYU - meaning all aspects of life energy PRANA , which is active in our body. In the imagination of the yogis it is this wind, which, for example, arouses our "digestive fire" and also keeps all other metabolic processes in motion. The wind inspires us inwardly, but also mentally. For he blows everything around, even that which has long been frozen in us. In doing so, he is also reviving processes that have stalled. Wind moves, whirls up and keeps us on our toes - wonderful. But the wind can also make us fidgety and nervous when our lives are already agitated and agitated. If it storms and winds in such phases - in front of the door or in its own interior - Then we need stability and stability , so that the wind does not blow us away. Our exercises adapt to both faces of the wind: you can either go with the wind, use your ...
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