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Use the power of the buds for your health

Buds are a regional source of health-promoting ingredients, they have a detrimental effect on humans. However, the knowledge about the applications is hardly known. In this post I show you how to use the healing powers of the buds for you.

What are buds and how do they work?

Trees and shrubs form buds, where they are driven out and new leaves and flowers develop. These young shoots are surrounded by rough, scaly protective sheets, which protect them during overwintering. They form in autumn and last for several months, until they are driven out in the spring. One differentiates between end buds at the end of the shoot and side buds, which can be found along the branches and in the leaf axes.

The tree provides its young buds with abundant nutrients, which it needs here for further growth in height and extent. Therefore the concentration of rich substances in the buds is particularly high. They contain ingredients such as resins, essential oils, tannic acids, chlorophyll, mucus, vitamins, saponins, minerals and flavonoids, which are rarely found in industrial foods. They act, among other things, as an antibacterial, healing, powerful and detoxifying effect on the human body. You can use these properties of the buds for yourself by processing them into your food. But before you start to harvest you should follow the following instructions.

Notes on bud gathering

To identify trees by their buds is somewhat difficult outside the vegetation period without leaves, fruits or flowers. Whoever observes the trees in its surroundings during the year sharpenes the eye for their characteristics, and the determination in winter is easier. Start with the definition of fewer tree species and extend your knowledge with increasing experience.

For the introduction, I recommend you the buds of the linden tree. It is easy to identify and the buds taste very mild. You can see the trees in winter by their fruits, which still hang in the crown from the previous year.

Pay attention to the following instructions, as this will cause serious damage to the trees! For the collection of buds is a significant intervention in the growth of future plant parts.

Collect only one or two buds per branch and only if there are sufficient quantities, according to the rule: apples are collected in buckets, herbs in the basket and buds are collected in the thimble!
Take only as much as you actually need.

Harvest the young buds before their full maturity, as otherwise the ingredients decrease.
Meide plants on busy roads, conventionally cultivated fields where pesticides are applied, or in places where other environmental pollution prevails.

Collect only buds from trees that you can clearly determine and whose application you know.
Collect with bare fingers or a sharp knife.

Otherwise, you do not need to wash the buds before further processing. Treat them quickly below 40 ° C, otherwise they lose their active ingredients.

Suitable buds of trees and their use
Each tree species has a certain effect on humans, but note that not all buds are edible. From these trees you can collect the buds and profit from their respective characteristics:
Oak : anti-inflammatory
Apple: immersive
Black poplar : wounding
Walnut : detoxifying
Linde : soothing
Birch: cleansing
Ross chestnut : vascular enhancing
Rose : anti-inflammatory

You can eat the buds in small quantities raw. They should be chewed long and thoroughly and grounded so that they are very finely crushed. The smaller the surface, the better the active ingredients can be released.
You can enrich your food with them. In honey, vinegar, wine or oil inserted you supplements your dishes around many health-promoting ingredients.
Young buds are also used as a remedy in the form of ointments , tinctures used and wraps.
Stronger Mousse au Chocolat with poplar buds
The buds of the poplar have an unsettled, soothing, and healing effect. In a Mousse au Chocolat, the ingredients taste twice as delicious.

For this you need:
1 tsp poplar buds
90 g of cocoa powder
1 ripe avocado
1 ripe banana
200 ml of milk
A blender

So you make the alternative to the French dessert:
Mix the cocoa powder in the milk and heat in a pan.
Buds, avocado and the banana.
Mix thoroughly with a blender.
Fill in a glass and cool.


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