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Get ready for the 30 day Bikini-Body-Challenge!

From slimming you have the muzzle full and still want to look crisp in the bikini? We have THE solution for you!

Only spindeldürr is not enough to feel well. No matter what size you have, can look crisp all. Above all, a little sporting activity brings us so completely forward. So get on the mat and off you go!
This challenge brings out your most beautiful self and leaves you with a bit of sweating. This is not only taut but also happy. We will first explain how the exercises work. In the plan to print (below) you will learn how much you have to spend on it daily. Have fun!

1. Burpees for the whole body

Hated by the one, the other hot-beloved - Burpees, the whole body training in a practice course. They are incredibly exhausting, but also effective and so wonderfully variable.
This is the beginners' variant:
you are straight, stretch your arms over your head and make a small stretch. After the landing, you get into the support, then comes back up again and makes the stretch again - a Burpee is already done. Try to carry out this sequence as smoothly as possible one after the other. 
Repeat the exercise as often as stated in the challenge.
For advanced players: you'll be the same as the beginner to the support, but you're still building a recline.
Not a big challenge? Just do it 15 times per week, at least three times a week, and try to improve by 5 reps every week.Not a big challenge? Then do simply by desire and mood at least three times per week 15 reps and try yourself to increase by 5 reps every week.

2. Loss steps for thighs and buttocks

An equally effective exercise for your perfect postures are lunging. This is where your thighs are trained at the same time.
You are upright and your upper body is tense. With the right leg you make a big step forward. Bend your knee in a right angle and go down at the same time with your left knee. Keep the balance. Come up again and change the leg. Here, too, you can install a small bouncer when changing the legs.You are upright and your upper body is tense. With the right leg you make a big step forward. Prevents your knees at a right angle and goes the same with your left knee pretty deep. Keep the balance. Come up again and change the leg. Here, too, you can install a small bouncer when changing the legs.
Starts on day 1 with 10 lunges and increases the number five times a week by 2 to 5 repetitions per leg. In the ideal case, you will get 50 reps per leg on the 23rd day. (A further increase is not absolutely necessary, who can and may, with further repetitions after.)

3. Bicycle crunches for the belly

Here's how:
Lay down on your back, tighten your stomach tightly. Lift your legs off the floor. Always twist one leg alternately, so that the calf is parallel to the ground. Put the fingertips on the back of the head and then alternately bring together the right elbow and the left knee, as well as the left elbow and the right knee. Caution: Do not forget to breathe and do not make a hollow cross. 
Repeat the exercise as often as stated in the challenge.
Variant for beginners: Place the lower leg on the ground.
It also goes without challenge: 3 times 15 reps per page

4. Triceps Dips for tight arms

Here's how:
Sit down on a chair, close to the seat. Put your hands straight under your shoulders on the chair, almost under the buttocks, and embrace the edge of the chair. Your arms are stretched. Now slide with your butt from the bench. Your legs are angled, so your feet have a good level. Slowly wave your arms so your po goes further and further towards the ground. Make sure your back stays straight and you do not help with the legs.


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