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1. The case / backpack
I would advise you to a larger backpack. It should be large enough for the trip, but can also be used as a day backpack on the spot.
Here you see my backpack, which I always use for travel and for all longer trips: An " Bundeswehr combat bag "
It is very cheap, it suits a lot (65 liters) and it has many individual pockets to organize the things well and place small parts in it and some buckles to put something on the backpack.
I've been using it for a couple of years now and it's still new and it's available in many different patterns and colors.
In addition, you can also pack it much smaller than shown in the picture by putting the upper buckles together with the lower ones.
How to pack correctly:
Heavy things you should pack down, I usually stow away my clothes in the lower area of ​​the backpack
Larger, hard things like laptop or magazine come to the back
Light and fragile things up
In the pocket in the cover important things come to you, which you want to come quickly, such as charging cables, replacement batteries, papers
For important documents and valuables, an extra pocket is recommended, which can be removed so you can carry it on the body.

2. Few pants
Which can be worn for several days.
Remember, no one knows you there. You do not have to present all your great outfits. You can also walk around in the same clothes for several days if they do not have to be washed.

3. Tops
An uncomplicated t-shirt for every day, unless you want to wash your clothes.
Pack on the "onion principle"! For example: Longsleeve + Hoodie + Regenjacke

4. Shoes
Do you really need several couples? While traveling, you can wear sporty but covered shoes.
Maybe you need bathing shoes or slippers, maybe you can also link these two.
If it is absolutely necessary, take chic shoes with, but perhaps not grade boots

5. Sleeping and underwear
Underwear and socks you need of course for every day.
For sleeping I would recommend another shirt and possibly a light jogging pants. You can wear them in your room when you rest.


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