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Inclined Arms: 19 Meanings of Attitude

19 Meanings for folded arms

Wrong arms mean rejection !? This common interpretation is not necessarily true. If you want to interpret body language , you should always consider the current situation, or ignore its connection with the facial expressions, gestures and posture of your counterpart. There are many reasons why people clasp their arms.

# 1 Rejection

If the arms crossed, this can signal a clear "No". Even if the movement is made without intentions, crossed arms, however, are often perceived as a negative, defensive attitude too often and are linked with rejection or closure.

# 2 Protection & Stability

Broken arms serve instinctive protection from threatening situations. By means of this posture, one wants to protect his internal organs and thus himself. Outside of a threat, this gesture often also serves its own stabilization.
# 3 Convenience

Wrong arms can simply be very comfortable and often serve a comfortable, body-warming posture or signal well-being. So, if your interlocutor intersects his / her arms, that means: I listen to you interested and block my own activities. In the case of listeners of a lecture, folded arms are not necessarily a negative signal.

The fact is that folded arms do not signal activity. To this extent, you should intentionally reduce this attitude if your activity is expected from you, such as in the sales, the interview, or in a workshop.
# 4 Determination & Conviction

Someone who, on the application photo or in professional days, arms his chest, usually wants to say "I am steadfast!". However, depending on the rest of the body and facial expressions, the perception of the body may vary as follows:
Loose bodywork (not lanky!) + Friendly smile : Your opposite has its own opinion, this can be represented and is firm, but not dominant. Compared to other settings he is open-minded and above all interested.
Stiff body posture + emotive smile : Your conversation partner seems like a rock in the surf, but Pose says that he does not accept any opinion other than his own. He seems "inflexible".
# 5 Stress

When we feel stressed, armresting is an ideal way to feel our hands and thus safety, to bring them into a relaxed state of mind and thus to create a sense of calmness.
# 6 Distance

In addition to rejection, this meaning is the most widespread. Is the man of your choice interlacing his arms in your flirtation attempt and possibly turning his eyes away? Since there are no more words - so people look, who distance themselves from their counterparts and also physically distance themselves. Even if there is obviously no wire between you, this guy has probably forgotten his good childhood: this physical attitude in connection with demonstratively refused eye contact is extremely rude and can sometimes be very hurtful.

Tip: Try to avoid this attitude yourself and only use it if your opposite partout does not want you to be on a wavelength.,

# 7 proximity & security

We clutter our arms in public more often than in our private environment. The explanation for this is quite simple: in situations where we are surrounded by many people, we embrace ourselves with this physical body to give us a sense of well-being. To embrace ourselves is an automatic response to give us some closeness in certain moments.

# 8 Cold

Sometimes the simplest explanation, the right one, is simply cold. How can you conclude this meaning? If your opponent crosses his arms by the cold, he will surely pull his shoulders or upper body together, or even pull it upwards, and maintain this tense posture to warm himself.

# 9 Criticism

With a corresponding mimic, folded arms can be a critical attitude to the content of a conversation and an internal weighing of the arguments put forward.

# 10 Nausea & defenses

Anyone who feels insecure and feels protected must cross his arms, not to show his feelings. People also take this physical form when they feel threatened by someone or feel uncomfortable because of it - a kind of defense. You can see the importance of the arm wrestling by not moving the shoulders up, but pointing them forward to give the body a more "more aggressive" attitude.

# 11 Ignorance

If someone in a group is clasping his arms, it is obvious that he does not want to participate in the discussion. By the way, according to phonics, a person who crosses the arms - even if it is only for comfort or to keep warm - does not process about 50 percent of the information you take.

# 12 Fear & worry

When a person clasps the arms, it can mean that she is experiencing a terrible feeling of fear or is worried about something. This type of embrace is accompanied by further gestures : touching the face and neck, a closed mouth and a slightly altered facial expression, which signals anxiety.

# 13 Anger & bad mood

Now and then folded arms can just mean that your swarm or friend just ran a louse over the liver. Often, we are intertwining our arms when we are angry or disagree with something. We would like to help us not to lose our self-control. A typical example of this kind of self-embracing are also small children when we ask them to do something they do not want to do.

# 14 Misunderstanding & Frustration

Wrong arms can express that your opponent does not agree with something without the need for great words. We take this posture especially when we are frustrated and want to control ourselves at this moment.

# 15 power

Dein Flirt dreht seine Ellenbogen nach außen und verschränkt seine Arme? Diese Haltung ist ein Ausdruck von starker Persönlichkeit. Seine Arme auf diese Art und Weise zu verschränken, lässt einen größer bzw. kraftvoller wirken und vermittelt so automatisch Macht. Eindeutiges Erkennungsmerkmal: Die Arme befinden sich mehr über dem Brustkorb als über dem Solarplexus.


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