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7 ideas for DIY gifts - last minute souvenir

For an invitation, whether long-planned or spontaneous, thank you with a souvenir. Of course, flowers have always been the most popular. At the threshold of the door, the host is pressed into his hand, and the flowery aspect of the eyes is bright. Also a quickly bought shower gel or elaborately packaged bathing accessories are gladly given away. But much more personal and sustainable is the way with homemade alternatives! Colorful flowers are a joy to be sprouted in the garden. A good, best self-made alternative to cut flowers is always more sustainable. And care and pampering products from our own production are probably more skin and environmentally compatible. For this you do not even need to have great knowledge in mixing and stirring cosmetics. With these seven fast ideas you always have the right souvenir at hand.

1. Give flowers away

There are numerous reasons why purchased cut flowers are not the very best souvenirs. They are mostly imported from abroad and are also contaminated with pesticides. For a spontaneous visit, there is still a great and sustainable alternative: Bastle these beautiful roses by yourself. From paper and wooden sticks you have conjured in a few minutes a beautiful fellow. Even from napkins, a pretty bouquet can be folded in no time.

2. Bath salt - luxury for the bathtub

Let yourself be seduced by the delicious fragrances and let the soul dangle in a relaxing brine bath - if this is not a good thank you for a warm invitation! Quite simply you can give this half an hour everyday life with a homemade bath salt . All you need for the homemade bath salt are sea salt, soda, some vegetable oil and your favorite essential oils and herbs. Blended in a glass with a personal label or a lovely ribbon around it, you will hardly believe that this gift is so easy to make.

3. Airy Bodybutter

Chocolate is also seen as a souvenir. With this bodybutter to the selbermachen , it is this time not for eating, but for the cremen. The delicately fragrant cocoa butter is particularly well-balanced and, together with almond oil, coconut oil and beeswax, provides a guaranteed additive-free and moisturizing beneficial effect for any dry skin. Especially creamy you get your self-made body butter, if you after the mixing, warming and then cooling the ingredients with a hand mixer again fluffily airy.

4. Lip balm with cinnamon and honey

Even the very small things can sometimes be a real hit. Filled in small ointment mirrors fits a self-made lip care in every handbag. On top of that, the recipient of the gift is definitely looking forward to it. And if it is as delicious as this balm with coconut oil, honey and cinnamon .

5. Shower gel - all natural

One reason for joy is this self-made shower gel made from pure natural ingredients. Unlike the shower gel you buy, it does not harm skin or environment and is also very cheap. From grated soap together with water is a thickly liquid wash gel, which you can make with a suitable oil still particularly nourishing . Combine with a few drops of an essential oil of your choice to give your self-made shower gel a unique touch.

6. Sea salt peeling

A journey to the sea - this great experience is easy with a homemade sea salt peeling . For this, you simply mix the sea salt and olive oil in the ratio 4: 1 and fill it in a pretty can or a tightly lockable glass. As a special view, just stick a photo of your last beach holiday on it and the holiday party is guaranteed.

7. Sugar-Coconut Oil Peeling

If the peeling is for a sweet snack, sugar instead of salt is a good choice. This sugar-coconut oil peeling helps to remove dead skin cells and give the skin a fresher and softer appearance. Simply mix four parts of coconut oil, two parts of brown organic cane sugar and a portion of honey to a creamy paste. Bottled into a pretty glass, a sugar-sweet present is created. If the effect is a little more gentle, you can also mix your self-made peeling with coffee, coffee or poppy.


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