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Mysterious: Everyone has 13 secrets

Are you hiding something from me? The question has certainly been heard by every human being at least once in his life. The probability that it actually is so is even quite large. Psychologists have found in a study that every human being hides some secrets.

There are even 13 secrets to be precise, which every human being has. Five of them are supposed to be so secret that no one should ever know about them. This was the result of a study by the Columbia Business School with 1,000 participants, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. You can find more information here - in the video.

Why every person has secrets

According to the survey, the researchers created categories in which the participants' lie would fall. These things often conceal people:
I hurt another person
Drug abuse
Something illegal has been done
abuse of trust
Romantic feelings
Sexual dissatisfaction
Emotional infidelity
Sexual infidelity
Aversion to acquaintances
Bugs at work
Poor work performance
Apply for a marriage application
A secret relationship
A family secret
Sexual orientation
Pretend to like someone
Faith or ideology
Infectious diseases


Pssst! Not everyone likes to reveal his secrets.

In the study, the researchers learned that 60% of respondents had already concealed a lie. 47% did not want to reveal that they had violated the trust of another person. 33% of the students indicated that they had already stolen something, had a secret relationship, or were very dissatisfied with their job, but they kept it to themselves.
According to the survey, the researchers created categories in which the participants' lie would fall. These things often conceal people:
  • I hurt another person
  • Drug abuse
  • addiction
  • theft
  • Something illegal has been done
  • abortion
  • trauma
  • Lie
  • abuse of trust
  • Romantic feelings
  • Sexual dissatisfaction
  • Emotional infidelity
  • Sexual infidelity
  • affair
  • Aversion to acquaintances
  • Bugs at work
  • Poor work performance
  • Apply for a marriage application
  • surprise
  • hobby
  • A secret relationship
  • A family secret
  • pregnancy
  • Sexual orientation
  • Pretend to like someone
  • Faith or ideology
  • finances
  • job
  • Infectious diseases
Psst!  Everyone should have at least 13 secrets
Pssst! Not everyone likes to reveal his secrets.
In the study, the researchers learned that 60% of respondents had already concealed a lie. 47% did not want to reveal that they had violated the trust of another person. 33% of the students indicated that they had already stolen something, had a secret relationship, or were very dissatisfied with their job, but they kept it to themselves.


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