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Bad thoughts are extinguished

Neuroscientists have long been concerned with the question of how to learn new things. Now they found a way to get rid of incriminating thoughts

You certainly know this too: while you are at work and actually have anything to do but to deal with private problems, you always go through an unpleasant event through your head. In thoughts, the coarse bus driver with quickness to silence, then busy one then sometimes more than the tasks that one would actually have to do.
By the way, if your job is a bad mood, you will recognize that you have the wrong job.

This way bad thoughts can be removed

There are remedies for bad thoughts. Scientists discovered a kind of extinguishing function in the brain. According to the researchers, one can control what remains in the memory and what is not.
Paradoxically, this function is related to the processes in the brain that take place during learning. If one is concerned with something, whether it be a foreign language, the name of the colleagues or the functions of the new baking oven, synapses are formed between individual brain cells. These synapses form paths in the brain, which transform themselves from trampling paths into regular highways, the more often one uses them.
Not everything you've ever learned is needed for the rest of your life. This is why the brain is miserable as in a wardrobe - rarely worn clothes come into the old clothes collection to create space for new ones. In the brain, so-called microglia cells recognize little-used pathways on a protein that sticks to the synapses like a sign and destroy them.
These clearing-up tasks occur mainly during sleep. That's why you do not have to have a guilty conscience when you lie down for a short nap in the afternoon. 10 to 20 minutes of sleep reach the microglia cells to free our brain from unnecessary ballast of unused brain windings.
And now the trick comes to the point: you yourself can ensure that unpleasant experiences or ominous scenarios are marked with the "dispose" protein. And you do this by simply not thinking about it, as silly as that sounds. You alone have in your hand (or in your head) how much space you give to the things that you strain.
Instead of figuring out what can go wrong during the family holiday, you will be guided by your favorite series the next time. Then put a Powernap. When you wake up, your brain may have already extinguished the superfluous fears.


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