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Showing posts from August, 2017

The best workout against cellulite

Fascinating training is underestimated by many, while it is a relaxed way to get the body in shape.  Our expert Stephan Mueller answers three questions about fascia and we show you effective exercises that help against cellulite, but also the whole body tighten What do football world champions Bastian Schweinsteiger and Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow have in common?   They train their fascia. The crazy: Until recently, many people did not even know that they have fascia.   We carry almost   20 kilograms of   it with us.   Human biologist Robert Schleip, the leading fascist researcher at the University of Ulm, says: "Faszien hold everything together, and whether the upper arm looks tight or wackelpudding depends on its tension." This is how you train your fascia properly The reason: If the fascia is properly stimulated, fresh elastic collagen is produced in the following days.   So a   one-a-cellulite killer   .   The most important tool for fascinating training are

7 sign that your friendship is at the end

Unfortunately, some friendships do not last forever - even if we want it so much. If these seven characters are known to you, you may want to think about whether it is not time to go separate ways - if only for a while They are still arguing Your friendship is like a bad relationship, because you are constantly in your hair or your opinions are very different?   This costs far too much energy in the long run - and makes the friendship broken.   Think about drawing a line.   You need a reason to see yourself You have not been talking to your girlfriend for a long time, and you only meet in the café if you want to discuss something?   In a good friendship, one should have the need, without reason, to see or hear the other.   If this is not the case, the friendship is probably no more. You have nothing left to talk about The most unpleasant situation in a friendship is when you just have nothing more to say.   If this is often the case, or has it become normal, move

Ghosting: What to do if the other is not reporting?

From today to tomorrow, the contact breaks off? This is how you should behave Everything went perfectly with him.   The first weeks and months have developed well and you have hoped more.   But suddenly he does not   react   anymore   and responds only very delayed or not at all to your calls or messages.  The so-called "ghosting", that is,   the sudden disappearance of the picture,   dominate some men (and women!) To perfection. This should be done if you are affected by ghosting: 1. Stay strong Ghosting is so painful because it usually comes out of the blue.   Perhaps you have already forged plans for the future and figured out   in the most beautiful colors how it could become with him. Do not focus on these ideas, but on who you are and what you have achieved so far.   Do not ask yourself if you have done something wrong.   This only gnaws at your self-confidence and makes you unattractive. 2. Make yourself scarce Do not run after him.   Hardly any